Nelson “Beardman”
How old are you?
33, almost 34
In your childhood what was your opinion of beards, was there any exposure to bearded men?
Even as a kid I thought beards were cool.
When your beard started growing were you an embrace it or fight it type of guy?
I always hated shaving. It hurt. I have sensitive skin, so shaving was just brutal. One day I just stopped. Haven’t looked back.
At what point did you decided to grow a beard, did anyone discourage you from growing?
My ex-fiancee discouraged me from it. After we split up, I did the whole “Notebook” thing and grew a dandy of a beard.
Whats your beard care look like - are you a wash and go, or a wash, condition, comb, style, and loving groom yourself beard wearer?
Oh god. I scissor trim often, comb often, primp and preen the thing all the time. I use cream pomade in my beard to get it to play nice. I shampoo and condition it in the shower with my hair. It’s a lot of maintenance. But it’s almost become somewhat of a ritual for me now.
Do you feel that your beard effects or filters to the friends you make?
Yes and no. It’s hard to explain. Some people love it. Some don’t. To each their own. If they don’t want to be buds because I’m hirsute, that’s too bad for them, because I make a great friend.
Have any of them tried to convince you to shave?
All the time. Mostly the girls. The dudes are pretty down with my face-carpet.
Do you get approached by random people with compliments or request to touch it?
Now and then. It’s flattering.
What do you do for a living?
I test computer software. It’s about as exciting as it sounds. I hope to start my own business making bags, and possibly clothes, but that’s a long way away.
Play any instruments?
Drums, Harmonica, Ukelele, Banjo
You’re given 48hrs to live, you aren’t handicap or sick but you’ll just ‘expire’ in that time, how do you spend your time?
You’re offered Joy or Happiness, which do you choose?
Who was the last person you hugged?
Whats your favorite non-chain restaurant?
I don’t really frequent restaurants, but Brittania Sushi on Commercial Drive in Vancouver is pretty awesome.
Does your beard hold any personal significance?
Originally it was somewhat of a ‘mask’ in a way. Or possibly a defense mechanism. I used to be VERY shy. But once I had the beard, my personality grew, and I’ve basically done a complete 180 from how I once was. First I thought it was the beard, but after shaving it off a couple times, I was the same person, so I think it was a placebo. But part of me thinks it helped.
Have your had the beard nightmare, where some one forcefully removes your beard or you wake up without it?
How do you spend your days?
What would you say is your life’s passion?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Is there anything you’d like people to know about you?
If your current place of residence was on fire and you could only take 1 thing, what would you take?
How do you feel about chest hair — love it, hate it, or indifferent?
What was your childhood dream?
Thoughts on ‘beard culture?’
Some people take it a bit too serious. Beards are fun. Some people grow awesome beards, some grow shitty ones. Just enjoy them as they are.
Hugger or handshaker?
For the ladies, hugger. For the gents, handshake.
Someone ask to touch your beard, how do you respond?
Ever beard-rubbed? (rub your beard against another beard in a platonic manner)
Favorite physical characteristic about yourself?
My eyes.
What movie would you watch over & over again?
Favorite meal?
Oddly, pizza. I legitimately cannot get sick of it.
An Album that changed your life in some aspect?
What would you want people to remember most about you?
What do you do if you find a potato chip in your beard and you’re not sure how old it is?
Do you ever get itchy? Is there a problem with food getting in it?
How many times a day do you catch yourself running your fingers through your beard?
Jeez, that I am AWARE of? At least 20 times a day. Unconsciously, I’m sure I do it a lot more.
for more of nelson, hit up the source