It’s only fitting that the inaugural feature of DC Beards (Get it?! DC, Inaugurations? I’ll be here all week) comes from my own law school student population. Here we have Ian, who originally hails from New York. I asked Ian how long he’s been growing this beard, and he couldn’t remember. After calling his girlfriend, who was the initial motivating force behind the beard, he determined that he started growing it last October. Now that the beard has gotten so impressive, Ian says that it’s become the main topic of conversation for him- people he passes in the hallway, who normally would just say “hey”, now compliment his beard. When I asked if I could feature his beard as my first post, he told me I was the fourth person to discuss his beard with him just that day. Ian proves that DC men can rock the professional beard, but perhaps not without attracting impressed commentary from the public.
dcbeards: It’s only fitting that the inaugural feature of DC...